About Us

Our vision is to achieve universal respect for and protection of the right to free expression and access to information in Canada and around the world.

CJFE champions free expression, including freedom of the press and access to information, in Canada and abroad, as a fundamental pillar of democracy.
Canadian Journalists for Free Expression monitors, defends and reports on freedom of expression and access to information in Canada and around the world. Our principles are rooted in the field of journalism, and for 40 years we have promoted a free media as essential to a fair and open society. CJFE champions the right to freedom of expression for all people and supports individuals and groups in the protection and exercise of their free-expression rights. We work in three main areas to fulfill CJFE’s mission:
CJFE promotes free expression and access to information at home and abroad. Our Canadian Issues Committee monitors and advocates for stronger free expression rights and policies in Canada and around the world.
Our funding programs provide emergency assistance to Journalists in Distress around the world and support exceptional work that contributes to free expression in Canada and abroad. Our CJFE Gala being held on Wednesday, February 15, 2023, raises funds to support our work and recognizes individuals from around the world who have advanced the cause of freedom of expression.
CJFE’s reports and research programs to shine a light on threats to freedom of expression and the pressing need to defend it.